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Emma Sitton
Female 1881 - 1967

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Emma Sitton Thurston

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Emma Sitton Thurston, 1881 - 1967. Emma Sitton was a daughter of Capt. Isaac Newton Sitton and Sarah Jane Fletcher. She was a granddaughter of John F. Fletcher and Judith Simco, and, John Sitton and Sally Jamison. She was my 1st cousin twice removed. In 1907 in Callaway Co., Missouri, she married Millard F. Thurston.

 Emma Sitton Thurston

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  March 22, 2010 
Place  Hillcrest Cemetery 
File name  DSC01828.JPG 
File Size  164k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Emma Sitton 

Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway, MO, USA

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