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Susan Judt
Female 1865 - 1950

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Susan A. and Minnie Judt

Susan A. Judt, Mar. 27, 1865 - May 31, 1950 - Minnie, 1866 - Aug 5, 1953. Susan and Minnie were daughters of Louis H. Judt and Mary E. Herring. They were granddaughters of Nathan Herring and Susan Hill. Susan Judt was born in 1863. Her sister, Minnie Judt, was born in 1867. They never married and lived together all their lives. Minnie and Susan Judt were my 2nd cousins twice removed.

 Susan A. and Minnie Judt

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  March 22, 2010 
Place  Hillcrest Cemetery 
File name  DSC00949.jpg 
File Size  238.13k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Minnie Judt
Susan Judt 

Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway, MO, USA