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Eagan & Elsie Willing

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Eagan H. Willing, Dec. 13, 1899 - Nov. 21, 1960. Father. Elsie E. Willing, May 13, 1904 - Jan. 7, 1975. Mother. Also an infant child. Eagan Herndon Willing was a son of John William Willing and Nora J. Hall. He was a grandson of William Allen Willing and Mary Frances Fletcher, and, Amos Hall and Margaret A. Culbertson. He was my 2nd cousin once removed. He married Elsie E. Unknown.

 Eagan & Elsie Willing

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005, October 8, 2007 
Place  Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery 
File name  DSC04526.JPG 
File Size  241.49k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Elsie E. Unknown
Eagan Herndon Willing 

Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery, Calwood, Callaway, MO, USA

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