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Cal Craghead and Jane Francis Herring

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Cal Craghead, Sep 11, 1834 - Nov 15, 1915, Jane F. his wife, 1838 - 1929. Calhoun Craghead full name: Benjamin Wadkins See Calhoun Craghead. He was a son of William Craghead and Nancy P. Craighead, a grandson of Robert Maxey Craghead and Nancy Powell, and, Isaiah Walter Craghead and Feminina Robinson. He was my 2nd cousin 4 times removed. His first wife was Margaret Ann Douglass. They married on Oct. 21, 1857. In 1878 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Jane Francis Herring Conger Suggett. She was a daughter of George Washington Herring Sr. and Lucy Simco, a granddaughter of George Herring and Elizabeth Closby, and, James Simco and Frances Canaday. She was born Dec. 9, 1838 and died on Feb 24, 1929. Jane was my great grandAunt. She had previously been married to John G. Conger and Benjamin D. Suggett.

 Cal Craghead and Jane Francis Herring

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005, October 8, 2007 
Place  Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery 
File name  DSC00807.JPG 
File Size  245.24k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Calhoun Craghead Or Craighead
Jane Francis Herring 

Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery, Calwood, Callaway, MO, USA

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