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Lee Roy Conger
Male 1858 - 1945

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Lee Roy Conger

Lee Roy Conger, Oct 16, 1858 - Aug 23, 1945. Lee Roy Conger was a son of John G. Conger and Jane Francis Herring. He was a grandson of Stephen D. Conger and Lucy Jane Gordon, and, George Washington Herring Sr. and Lucy Simco. He was my 1st cousin twice removed. He married Ada M. Smith on Oct 19,1881 in Callaway Co., Missouri.

 Lee Roy Conger

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005, October 8, 2007 
Place  Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery 
File name  DSC00797.JPG 
File Size  238.01k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Lee Roy Conger 

Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery, Calwood, Callaway, MO, USA