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Challey Houchins & Eula Wright

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Challey H. Houchins, 1889 - 1973. Eula B. Houchins, 1889 - 1952. Challey Hester Houchins was a son of James Edward Houchins and Sallie A. Stultz. He was a grandson of James Otis Houchins and Martha Clopton, and, Henry Stultz and Margaret Ann Houf. He was my 3rd cousin once removed. On Feb. 15, 1911 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Eula Belle Wright. She was a daughter of Robert Austin Wright and Judith Alice Simco. She was a granddaughter of Thomas Austin Wright and Mary Jane Houchins, and, Reuben Brooks Simco and Sarah Cowherd Hill. She was my 2nd cousin twice removed.

 Challey Houchins & Eula Wright

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005 
Place  Callaway Memorial Gardens 
File name  DSC02940.jpg 
File Size  202.7k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Challey Hester Houchins
Eula Belle Wright 

Callaway Memorial Gardens, Fulton, Callaway, MO, USA

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