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Morris Patton Grogan
Male 1881 - 1915

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Morris Patton Grogan and Josephine Lahie

Grogan, Morris Patton. Nov. 27, 1881 - Dec. 9, 1915. Morris Patton Grogan was a son of Patrick J. Grogan and Sarah Ellen Carter. He was a grandson of John G. Carter and Matilda J. Herring. He was my 1st cousin twice removed. About 1908, probably in St. Louis, he married Josephine E. Lahie

 Morris Patton Grogan and Josephine Lahie

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  April 4, 2008 
Place  Calvary Catholic Cemetery 
File name  38_grogan_family.jpg 
File Size  231.25k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Morris Patton Grogan
Josephine E. Lahie 

Calvary Catholic Cemetery, St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA