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Brent Herring
Male 1882 - 1969

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Marriage, Herring - Herring 1927

Marriage license of Brent Herring and Tina Lee Dillard HerringRecord of marriage, Brent Herring of Duluth and state of Minn. desiring to procure a license to Marry Mrs. Tina Herring at St. Louis and the state of Mo do solemnly swear that I am of the age of 39 years and that I am single and unmarried and may lawfully contrat and be joined in marriage. Issued 1st day of Oct. 1927. not related. He was my granduncle. She was the widow of his brother Alan Herring.

Marriage, Herring - Herring 1927

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Herring Hubbard 
File name  herring-herring.jpg 
File Size  109.95k 
Dimensions  900 x 1600 
Linked to  Tina Lee Dillard
Brent Herring