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Jennie M. McCall
Female 1864 - 1921

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Jacob Flowers & Jennie Mccall

Jacob B. Flowers, 1856 - 1928. Jennie M. his wife, 1864 - 1921. At Rest. Jacob B. Flowers married Jennie M. McCall on Nov. 24, 1888 in Callaway Co., Missouri. She was a daughter of William K. McCall and Margaret A. Coats.

 Jacob Flowers & Jennie Mccall

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 13, 2011 
Place  Unity Baptist Church Cemetery 
File name  unity_10437.jpg 
File Size  260.25k 
Dimensions  750 x 1000 
Linked to  Jacob B. Flowers
Jennie M. McCall 

Unity Baptist Church Cemetery, Toledo, Callaway, MO, USA