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James F. Overton
Male 1806 - 1883

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James F. Overton

Jas. F. Overton, born Sept. 26, 1806, died May 21, 1883. James F. Overton was a son of Lewis Overton and Sarah Gibbs. He was a grandson of Obadiah Overton, and, Francis Gibbs and Nancy Head. He was my 3rd great granduncle. On Sept. 18, 1827 in Shelby Co., Kentucy, he married Mildred Guthrie. She died soon after they came to Callaway County. On Oct. 11, 1832 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Harriett Blackwell Baynham.

 James F. Overton

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  August 18, 2006 
Place  Richland Baptist Cemetery 
File name  DSC03456.jpg 
File Size  271.79k 
Dimensions  957 x 1000 
Linked to  James F. Overton 

Richland Baptist Cemetery, Callaway, MO, USA