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Bartley A. Gingrich
Male 1933 - 1997

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Bartley A. Gingrich & Vera F. Menefee

Bartley A. Gingrich, Feb. 9, 1933 - July 25, 1997. Vera F. Menefee Gingrich, Feb. 18, 1929 - Sept. 3, 1997. Back of headstone reads: our children, Ronald A., Gerald R., Brenda F., and Nancy R. Bartley A. Gingrich married Vera F. Menefee. She was a daughter of Jerry Neill Menefee and Jessie J. Carrington, a granddaughter of Charles E. Menefee and Emma Kate Neill, and, Samuel Edwin Carrington and Mary Ellen Miller. She was my 2nd cousin once removed.

 Bartley A. Gingrich & Vera F. Menefee

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  Apr 2010 
Place  Otterbein United Brethren Methodist Cemetery 
File name  otterbein_10012.jpg 
File Size  228.21k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Bartley A. Gingrich
Vera Fay Menefee 

Otterbein United Brethren Methodist Cemetery, Callaway, MO, USA