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James N. Robertson
Male 1822 - 1891

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James Robertson & Benjamin Robertson

Robertson, James N., born Jan. 7, 1822, died Apr. 10, 1891. B.F. Robertson, born Apr. 26, 1823, died Mar. 3, 1896. James N. Robertson and Benjamin F. Robertson were brothers, sons of John A. Robertson and Nancy Kerr, grandsons of Benjamin Robertson Jr. and Sarah Allen. They were my 2nd cousins 3 times removed.

 James Robertson & Benjamin Robertson

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  March 22, 2010 
Place  Hillcrest Cemetery 
File name  DSC03332.jpg 
File Size  348.15k 
Dimensions  960 x 1280 
Linked to  Benjamin P Robertson
James N. Robertson 

Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway, MO, USA