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Lucy Simco  Lucy Simco
Female 1808 - 1896

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George W. Herring and Lucy Simco

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Headstones of George Washington Herring Sr. and Lucy Simco, my great great grandparents. George and his cousin John B. Herring 1st came to Callaway Co. in 1825 to scout the land. John B. and his father Benjamin Herring, moved their family to Callaway Co. in 1830. George moved his family to Callaway Co., Missouri in the fall of 1835. George's brother Nathan and family also came in 1835, their brother John came in 1838. Pictured are 4 descendents of George and Lucy Simco Herring, Jan P. Herring, John C. Herring, and Scott Herring, all great great grandsons, and Jennifer Herring, great great great granddaughter. Picture taken in October, 2007.

 George W. Herring and Lucy Simco

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 3, 2005 
Place  Herring Private Cemetery #1 
File name  DSC04129.JPG 
File Size  191.54k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  George Washington Herring, Sr.
Lucy Simco 

Herring Private Cemetery #1, Callaway, MO, USA

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