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Theodore L. Beaven
Male 1862 - 1938

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Theodore L. Beaven & Martha F. Moore

Theo L. Beaven, Oct. 2, 1862 - July 3, 1938. Lula M. Beaven, Feb. 21, 1872 - May 23, 1939. Theodore L. Beaven was a son of Charles Milton Beaven and Frances Isabell Miller. He first married Lizzie B. Long. He second married Maggie S. Moore. On Feb. 5, 1908 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Lula M. Wise. She was a daughter of William Thomas Wise and Martha F. Moore.

 Theodore L. Beaven & Martha F. Moore

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  May 2010 
Place  Hams Prairie Christian Cemetery 
File name  hamsprairie_10006.jpg 
File Size  253.67k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Theodore L. Beaven
Lula M. Wise 

Hams Prairie Christian Cemetery, Hams Prairie, Callaway, MO, USA