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James B. Renoe

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James B. Renoe, Feb. 3, 1874 - Jan. 2, 1953. James B. Renoe was a son of James Monroe Renoe and Evaline Boyd. He was a grandson of Henry Francis Renoe and Priscilla Alexander, and, Thomas Boyd Jr. and Ann Davis. James B. Renoe was my 3rd cousin twice removed. He married Cora Bell Sanford.

 James B. Renoe

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  Oct, 16, 2006 
Place  Guthrie Cemetery 
File name  DSC01652.JPG 
File Size  310.44k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  James B. Renoe 

Guthrie Cemetery, Guthrie, Callaway, MO, USA

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