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Olla Bell Ferguson
Female 1885 - 1927

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Olla Belle & Louis Dean Stambaugh

Belle Starkey Stambaugh, wife of C.S. Stambaugh, Jan. 16, 1885 - Aug. 28, 1927, also an infant son. Olla Bell Ferguson was a daughter of Daniel Ferguson and Gillie Gilbert. The infant son mentioned on her headstone was Louis Dean Stambaugh. He was my 5th cousin once removed. On Dec. 20, 1905 in Callaway Co., Missouri, she married Minnis Starkey. After his death, she married Clarence S. Stambaugh.

 Olla Belle & Louis Dean Stambaugh

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005, October 8, 2007 
Place  Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery 
File name  DSC04571.jpg 
File Size  257.1k 
Dimensions  750 x 1000 
Linked to  Olla Bell Ferguson
Louis Dean Stambaugh 

Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery, Calwood, Callaway, MO, USA