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Paul K. Herring
Male 1921 - 2000

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Paul K. Herring

Paul K. Herring, AS US Navy, World War II. May 25, 1921 - June 17, 2000. Paul K. Herring was a son of LeRoy Herring and Rachael Mary Davenport. He was a grandson of Willis Dabney Herring and Lucy Emma Giboney. He was my 2nd cousin once removed. He was 1st married to Ruby McCowan and 2nd to Margaret Marie O'Neal.

 Paul K. Herring

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  September 5, 2005 
Place  Callaway Memorial Gardens 
File name  DSC01386.JPG 
File Size  239.89k 
Dimensions  1000 x 750 
Linked to  Paul K. Herring 

Callaway Memorial Gardens, Fulton, Callaway, MO, USA