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Benjamin Francis Overton  Benjamin Francis Overton
Male 1811 - 1881

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Benjamin F. Overton

B.F. Overton, born May 23, 1811 - died June 20, 1881. Benjamin Francis Overton was born in Kentucky. He came to Callaway Co., Missouri in the 1820's. On July 15, 1830 he married Ann S. Holt. They were my 3rd great grandparents. After her death he married Juliett S. James on July 28, 1858, in Callaway Co., Missouri. The Battle of Overton's Run, outside of Fulton Missouri, during the Civil War started on his land. In 1874 he left Missouri and moved to Tarrant Co., Texas. He was a son of Lewis Overton and Sarah Gibbs.

 Benjamin F. Overton

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Hubbard 
Date  June 22, 2006 
Place  Forest Hill Cemetery 
File name  08_overton.jpg 
File Size  175.89k 
Dimensions  800 x 600 
Linked to  Benjamin Francis Overton 

Forest Hill Cemetery, Forest Hill, Tarrant, TX, USA