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John Milton Herring
Male 1857 - 1913

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Marriage, Herring - Jackson 1876

Marriage of John Milton Herring and Josephine Price Jackson Record of marriage, This certifies that Mr. John M. Herring of Callaway Co in the State of Missouri and Miss Josie Jackson of Callaway County in the State of Missouri were at Mr. Jas. Jackson's (father of bride) in said county by me joined together in Holy Matrimony on the twenty first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six in presence of Mr. Christmas M. Key, Mrs Sallie Bylee. H.D. Grouers? Minister. He was my 1st cousin 3 times removed.

Marriage, Herring - Jackson 1876

Owner/Source  Mary Jo Herring Hubbard 
File name  herring-jackson-1876.jpg 
File Size  85.43k 
Dimensions  1000 x 417 
Linked to  John Milton Herring
Josephine Price Jackson