m. 2 Jul 1927
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- Colter-Day Wedding
Miss Merle Irene Day of this city, and Milford Forest Colter, of Jefferson City, were married in Marshall, Missouri, Saturday, July 2.
Mrs. Colter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Day of East Ninth street of this city. The bride is a former student of the Fulton high school and for the last four years has been an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone company.
The bride is a popular young lady and possess a very winning personality, which has won her many friends.
Mr. Colter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Colter of Jefferson City. He is well and favorably known and has many friends here. The couple will make their home in Jefferson City where Mr. Colter is employed.
They were accompanied by Miss Margaret McCall of this city and Mr. Charles Baker of Marshall Missouri.
The marriage was a complete surprise to many of their friends, who wish them a married life of much happiness and joy.