Forrest Craighead and Alberta Sanders Headstone Photo, Hillcrest Cemetery
Forrest A. Craighead, Feb. 9, 1895 - 1962. Alberta G. Craighead, Sept. 16, 1897 - 1973. Forrest A. Craighead was a son of Charles R. Craighead and Elizabeth Maerz. He was a grandson of John William Craighead and Sarah C. Payne, and, Robert Patrick Payne and Elizabeth Payne, and, Andrew A. Maerz and Unknown Hendle. Forrest Craighead was my 4th cousin twice removed. On April 8, 1917 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Alberta G. Sanders. There is a DAR insignia on the headstone. Mrs. Craighead assisted in gathering information for the Cra(i)gheads in Missouri book.
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This page updated Monday, 8 August 2011