Otho B. Suggett and Harriet Belle Berry Headstone Photo, Hillcrest Cemetery
Otho B. Suggett, Dec. 4, 1870 - Jul. 16, 1950. Belle Berry Suggett, Apr. 2, 1876 - Jun. 8, 1950. Otho B. Suggett was a son of Benjamin D. Suggett and Jane Francis Herring. He was a grandson of George Washington Herring Sr. and Lucy Simco. He was my 1st cousin twice removed. On Sept 18, 1901 in Callaway Co., Missouri, he married Harriet Belle Berry. She was a daughter of John G. Berry and Sarah Ann Simco, granddaughter of Reuben Brooks Simco and Sarah Cowherd Hill, and, Gibbs Head Berry and Harriett Jane Harrison. She was my 2nd cousin twice removed.
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This page updated Monday, 8 August 2011