Plat maps from Callaway County Mo., 1876 and 1897 showing Herring properties.

46n 09 1876
46n 09 1897

46n 09 1876 7 A.C. Herring abt. 20 acres
46n 09 1897 7 J.W. Herring abt. 20 acres

46n 09 1876 8 G.W. Herring (must be Sr.) 80 acres (school on NE edge, small creek running through land. Just west of Hams Prairie, NW of county farm)
46n 09 1897 8 Mrs. Lucy Herring 80 acres (school just above NE edge, small creek running through land poss. named Dich Branch) a road runs the east side, intersects the road from Hams Prairie. That road goes on south side to west border, and then angles S.W. House was in the south west corner of lot, on west edge just a little to the north of south edge.

46n 09 1876 17-18 G or C. Herring 80 acres (one lot south and west of G.W...)
46n 09 1897 17 Herring 40 acres (one lot south and west of G.W... the road cuts diagonally through this lot, no dot for a house on property)

46n 09 1897 19 G.W. Herring 110 acres (wasn't on 1876 plat, land next to Herrings in next entry) road runs half way down eastern edge and then turns east and seperates two Herring properties. House was south of where road turns. Same road as comes down from other G.W. and Lucy property.

46n 09 1876 20 A. C. Herring Admr. 240 acres
46n 09 1897 20 Thos. W. Herring 140 acres

46n 09 1876 20 and 29 G.W. Herring 160 acres (land touches A.C. Herring to the south, school #3 is on the property)
46n 09 1897 20 (unreadable) A. Herring 80 acres Road from above entry divides Thos. W and ? A. properties, half way east then turns south through property. House is right on the road, half way down the east side.

46n 10 1876
46n 10 1897

46n 10 1897 1 S.W. Herring 40 acres

46n 10 1876 2 W.J. Herring 100 acres (land is along top border of plat) right to the left of this land is DC & G.C Herring, 40 acres. These two properties are right together. The Middle River runs through both.
46n 10 1897 2 W.J. Herring 120? acres, G.C. Herring, 40 acres on west side (see below #1, S.W. Herring on right side)

46n 10 1897 3 G.C. Herring 40 acres (next to above)

46n 10 1876 12 A.C. Herring 160 acres, school on land
46n 10 1897 12 I.M. Herring 120 acres

46n 10 1897 23 W.T. Herring 72 acres

46n 10 1897 28 T.C. Herring 41 acres


47n 10 1876
47n 10 1897

47n 10 1897 27 B.P. Herring 100 acres near town of Carrington

47n 10 1876 35 D.C. and G.C. Herring 160 acres near town of Carrington
47n 10 1897 35 D.C. Herring 75 acres near town of Carrington
47n 10 1897 35 B.C. Herring 85 acres near town of Carrington

47n 10 1876 35 J.W. Herring 40 acres near town of Carrington
47n 10 1897 35 J.W. Herring 40 acres near town of Carrington

47n 10 1897 35 S.W. Herring 40 acres near town of Carrington

47n 10 1897 35 D.C. Herring 40 acres near town of Carrington

47n 10 1897 36 J.W. Herring 40 acres near town of Carrington

Herring Land Patents in the 1800's in Callaway County Missouri
Patentee Name State County Issue Date Land Office Doc. No. Accession No. Twp. Range
HERRIN, GEORGE W MO CALLAWAY 2/1/1848 ST. LOUIS 15394 MO0830__.081 46N 09W
HERRING, GEORGE MO CALLAWAY 9/7/1838 ST. LOUIS 6229 MO0650__.108 46N 09W
HERRING, GIDEON C MO CALLAWAY 6/10/1857 ST. LOUIS 26317 MO1060__.462 46N 09W
HERRING, JOHN MO CALLAWAY 4/10/1843 ST. LOUIS 12191 MO0760__.263 46N 09W
HERRING, JOHN MO CALLAWAY 1/15/1856 ST. LOUIS 25362 MO0990__.426 46N 09W
HERRING, JOHN MO CALLAWAY 3/1/1860 ST. LOUIS 30689 MO1130__.019 46N 09W
HERRING, JOHN B MO CALLAWAY 10/1/1835 ST. LOUIS 3751 MO0080__.225 47N 09W
HERRING, JOHN B MO CALLAWAY 10/8/1835 ST. LOUIS 4537 MO0090__.499 47N 09W
HERRING, JOHN B MO CALLAWAY 10/1/1840 ST. LOUIS 6924 MO0660__.244 47N 09W
HERRING, NATHANIEL MO CALLAWAY 1/1/1846 ST. LOUIS 13311 MO0790__.077 47N 10W
HERRING, NATHANIEL MO CALLAWAY 4/10/1843 ST. LOUIS 11457 MO0750__.071 48N 10W
HERRON, GEORGE MO CALLAWAY 1/15/1856 ST. LOUIS 25661 MO1000__.044 46N 09W

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