Fulton Gazette, Friday, May 18 1906,
Fulton, Callaway, Missouri

Noah Flood Sacre

"The life went out of the body of a good man when Noah Flood Sacre died at his home, north of Fulton, Monday a.m., as well as being clean in his dealings with his fellow man and true to his friends and family, he was always genial and had good words for all bout him. He had been ill for several weeks but did not take to his bed until about a month before his death, the malady which caused his demise being typhoid fever, with a complication of other organic troubles. Burial was at Carrington Cem., Tues. afternoon. He leaves a wife, son and daughter, Miss Erna and Treva Sacre, and eight brothers and sisters. He was born in this county being a son of George Sacre and wife and was 51 years of age at his death. Those to whom he was nearest have the condolances of all in their grief."

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