Callaway Gazette, Aug. 1948,
Fulton, Callaway, Missouri

Mrs. Eugene Hardin Dies at Hospital
Native Callawegian Suffered Stroke of Paralysis on Tuesday.

Mrs. Minerva Jane Hardin, 72, died Friday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock at the Callaway Hospital where she had been a patient since Tuesday when she suffered a stroke of paralysis at her home, 309 Oak street.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Wallace Funeral Home and burial will be in the Ebenezer Baptist Church cemetery. The Rev. A.O. Hallam, pastor in the Methodist circuit, will officiate. Mrs. Hardin was a member of the Court Street Methodist Church.

Mrs. Hardin was born March 10, 1876, a daughter of James D. and Bell Johnson Branch, who lived on a farm near Holts Summit. She was married to Eugene O. Hardin on March 8, 1922, and they lived in Fulton all their married life. For a number of years Mrs. Hardin was an attendant at the State Hospital. Mr. Hardin died on August 15, 1942.

Surviving are the following brothers and sisters, A.J. Branch and S.W. Branch of Holts Summit, L.H. Branch of Douglas, Wyo., Mrs. Claude Pierson and Luther Branch of Fulton, and Mrs. Bell Buckner of Jefferson City.

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