Missouri Telegraph or Callaway Gazette, July 1906,
Fulton, Callaway, Missouri

John N. Bennett, Dead      John N. Bennett, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Callaway county, died at the home of his son, E. Bennett, near Mokane, Monday afternoon July 2, 1906.

John Bennett was a good man. in fact, he was better to his neighbors and friends than he was to himself. He was once elected sheriff of Callaway county and filled the office acceptable. Away back in the forties, he crossed the plains with a company of men who were seeking their fortunes and looking for gold in California. It is said that out of the company of gentlemen who composed the make up of this search for gold in the far west at that early day, our old friend Mr. Jerry Muir of McCredie is the only one now living that made that trip. It was our pleasure to meet Mr. Muir in Fulton Monday and have him as our guest at dinner at the Palace Hotel. He is well preserved and his health, barring his eyesight, is remarkedly good for a man of his age. Mr. Muir had left town before the news of Mr. Bennett's death had reached there, but his son, Jack Muir, called him up over the phone and told him the sad news. The old gentleman was deeply affected and no doubt shed tears on hearing the news of the demise of his old time boyhood friend.

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