John R. Carter and Margaret Ann Fletcher

John Robert Carter was my great grandfather. He was born November 5, 1844 in Callaway Co. Missouri, a son of John G. Carter and Matilda J. Herring. He was a grandson of John B. Herring and Mariah Hill, and, Robert Carter and Mary Polly Smith. He was a great grandson of Benjamin Herring and Nancy Hill.

John R. Carter grew up on a farm in Callaway Co. Missouri. He was the oldest of eight children of John G. and Matilda Herring Carter. One brother died as an infant and another brother died at the age of five. The rest of his siblings lived to adulthood. John's mother died when John was 15 years old. While still in his teens, John left the farm and moved into Fulton Missouri. He first worked as a clerk in a dram shop, and later became the owner. He became a very sucessful businessman in Fulton, living there the rest of his life.

On January 30, 1868, he married Margaret Ann Fletcher in Callaway Co. Missouri. In addition to being my great grandmother, Margaret Ann was also my first cousin 3 times removed. Her mother was the sister of another of my great great grandmothers, Lucy Simco Herring. Margaret Ann was born in Callaway Co. Missouri on December 4, 1845. She was a daughter of John F. Fletcher and Judith Simco. She was a grandaughter of John Fletcher Sr. and Mary Fletcher, and James Simco and Francis Canada.

Margaret Ann gave her son-in-law, Dolor Herring, a small leather purse that was carried by John B. Herring when he came from Albemarle Co. Virginia to Callaway Co. Missouri in 1831. That purse is now in the possession of my brother.

John R. Carter and Margaret Ann Fletcher had five children:
  1. Thomas Edward Carter, b: Oct. 11, 1868, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: June 3, 1944, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. He is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. Click on his name for more information about this family.
    • Married Sept. 26, 1894, Callaway Co. Missouri, Mamie Nancy Dorris, b: Aug. 1870 in Missouri, d: 1963, Callaway Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. She was a daughter of Joseph Dorris and Nancy Hammond.
  2. Nova Carter, b: abt. 1871, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: May 22, 1908, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri.
    • Married January 30, 1907, John H. Rogers, b: Feb. 7, 1873, Virginia, d: Aug. 8, 1956, Fulton, Callaway Co., Missouri, buried Hillcrest cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co., Missouri. His parents were George Washington Rogers and Sara Jane Wiley, both of Virginia. He was a school teacher. He was previously married in 1904 to Della McLaughlin, b: Oct. 10, 1880, d: June 26, 1905, buried Ebenezer Baptist church cemetery, Callaway Co., Missouri. After Nova Carter Rogers death he married Winnie Mae Saunders, b: May 2, 1877, Fulton, Callaway Co., Missouri, d Jan. 4, 1939, Fulton, Callaway Co., Missouri. She was a daughter of William R. Saunders and Almira Helen Foster and was my 2nd cousin 4 times removed.
      • Obit - Fulton Weekly Gazette, Friday, May 29, 1908
        Mrs. Nova Rogers Dead
             Mrs. Nova Rogers, wife of John H. Rogers died at her home north of Fulton, Thursday evening, May 21, 1908, after a brief illness. Burial was at the new cemetery in this city on Saturday after funeral services at the Methodist church by Rev. T.W. Alton.
             She was 37 years old and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carter, of fulton, who with the sorrowing husband, three sisters and one brother grieve for her. The sisters include Mrs. Ernest Blackburn and Misses Dorthy and Josephine Carter, and T. Ed Carter, of this city, is a brother of the deceased.
             Mrs. Roger's death came as a sad shock to those who knew her in life as a noble woman, of robust constitution and always the picture of health, and her excellent character, coupled with the ties of friendship she had made, caused unbounded expression of regret when it was known that death had claimed her. She was a staunch member of the Methodist church and her everyday life was always an inspiration for good. The sympathy of all goes out to those to whom she was near and dear.
  3. Dorothy "Dolly" Carter, b: Dec. 23, 1873, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: Oct. 31, 1950, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri.
    • obit - Fulton Sun-Gazette, 2 Nov 1950
      Illness Fatal to Miss Dorothy Carter
      Funeral Services Thursday Afternoon At Methodist Church
           Miss dorothy Carter died early Tuesday morning at the Callaway Hospital after a lingering illness. She had been a patient at the hospital for six weeks.
           Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Court Street Methodist Church of which she had long been an active member. Dr. J.D. Randolph, former pastor of the church, will conduct the services, assisted by the present pastor, the Rev. Mark S. Horn. Burial will be in Hillcrest Cemetery. The body will lie in state until the hour of the service at the Maupin Funeral Home.
           Miss Carter and her sister, Mrs. D.W. Herring made their home at 907 Court Street. she was a daughter of the late John R., and Margaret ann Carter and was born in Fulton and spent all of her life here.
           For a number of years she taught Latin and music in the Fulton public schools.
           Miss Carter served her church in nany ways. She was choir director for a time, she has been president this year of the Women's Society of Christian Service, the sponsor of the Dorothy Carter Missionary Circle, conference treasurer of the Missouri Conference of the Woman's Society of Christian Service for eighteen years and held other offices in the Hannibal District conference. She was a past president of the Woman's Club of fulton.
           Miss Carter was one of five children. Only Mrs. Herring is an immediate survivor. Other relatives surviving are a brother-in-law, E.L. Blackburn of Robinson, Ill., four nephews, David W. Herring of Robinson, Ill., Dorris Carter of Binghampton, N.Y., Joe Carter of Falls Church, Va., and Dr. John Ed Carter of Fort Wayne, Ind., two nieces, Mrs. Maurine Myers of Fulton and Mrs. Ruth Williams of Charleston, W. Va., and a great niece, Mrs. Arthur Howell, of St. Louis.
  4. Elizabeth "Bess" Carter, b: Nov. 28, 1875, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: Nov. 8, 1934, Lebanon, Laclede Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri.
    • Married April 23, 1902, Callaway Co. Missouri, Ernest Leavell Blackburn, b: Sep. 6, 1871, Readsville, Callaway Co., Missouri, d: Nov. 23, 1958, Fulton, Callaway Co., Missouri. He is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. He was a son of James Robert Blackburn and Eugenia Nunnelly.
      • Obit - Fulton Sun-Gazette, November 5, 1934
        Fulton Woman Killed In Auto Accident (front page, large type, all caps.)
        Mrs. E.L. Blackburn Crushed Under Wrecked Car Near Lebanon Sunday
        Four Others Hurt
        Miss Ina Smith May Be Hurt Internally - Judge Herring Severely Injured.
             Mrs. Bessie Carter Blackburn, proprietor of the Fashion Shop, a Fulton millinery establishment, and one of the best known and popular busines women in Callaway county, was killed in an automobile accident on Highway No. 66, one mile south of Lebanon, at about 9:30 o'clock, Sunday morning.
             With Mrs. Blackburn at the time were her husband, E.L. Blackburn; her brother-in-law, Judge D.W. Herring of Fulton; Miss Ina Smith of Mr. Vernon, director of dramatics at the Fulton State Hospital, and Charles Kyle, also of Mt. Vernon, employed in the occupational therapy department at the Fulton State Hospital and a music student at William Woods College in Fulton.
             The Blackburns and Judge Herring were on their way to Mt. Vernon to visit Miss Margaret Herring, daughter of Judge Herring, and Miss Smith and Kyle had gone along with the intention of spending the day with home folks.
             The accident occurred when two automobiles, coming in an opposite direction to the one in which the Blackburn party were riding, approached on the highway at a rapid rate and were crowding the black line on a curve at that point on Highway 66. Mr. Blackburn sought to give them all the room possible to avoid a collision and in doing so his auto got off the concrete onto the gravel shoulder and it turned over.
             It rolled down a steep embankment and was badly wrecked, the top being crushed in. Mrs. Blackburn was caught under the machine. Her chest was crushed and it is believed a bursting blood vessel there caused her death. A bruised place on her left temple indicated that she received a severe blow there.
             The other occupants of the car were hurtled through the top as it was crushed and were catapaulted free of the car. Judge Herring was thrown through a nearby fence. His injuries consist of a bad scalp wound, a sever injury to his left eye, a cut on the right arm and injury to his back.
             Miss Smith was cut on the right shoulder, suffered a fracture of the right collar bone, a deep gash on her right leg and has possible internal injuries. Judge Herring and Miss Smith were taken to a hospital at Lebanon. There were in no condition Sunday afternoon, to make the trip back to Fulton.
             Mr. Kyle talked over the long distance telephone, Monday morning, with officials of the hospital at Lebanon and was informed that it would be twenty-four hours before it could be determined whether or not Miss Smith has been injured internally. Judge Herring was reported to be resting comfortably.
             The Herndon-Taylor-Blattner ambulance was sent to the scene of the accident about 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning and brought back to Fulton the body of Mrs. Blackburn, which had been taken to a Lebanon undertaking establishment soon after the accident and prepared for burial.
             Fred Blattner accompanied Ed Herndon in another automobile and brought back Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Kyle. The Blackburn car, badly wrecked, was left at Lebanon. Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Kyle escaped with cuts and bruises.
             Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Kyle attempted to remove the car off of Mrs. Blackburn but were unable to do it. The accident soon attracted a large crowd of passing automobilists and willing hands soon assisted in getting the body of Mrs. Blackburn from under the car.
             Mrs. Blackburn was born in Fulton, a daughter of John and Margaret Carter. She was married April 23, 1901, to E.L. Blackburn and they had lived all their married life in Fulton. Surviving her are her aged mother, one brother, T.Ed Carter of New. Bloomfield, and two sisters, Mrs. D.W. Herring and Miss Dorothy Carter, both of Fulton.
             Mrs. Blackburn was a graduate of the Fulton high school and also was graduated in music from Synodical College. She was a member of the Methodist Church. She entered the millinery business in Fulton in 1915 and had been continuously in that undertaing up t the time of her death.
             Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon at the home on Court street, the Rev. J.N. Boyd officiating, and burial will be in Hillcrest cemetery.
             Mrs. Blackburn was a woman of much charm and a most friendly and cheerful disposition. During her long business career in Fulton, she acquired a large circle of friends not only among the people of Fulton, but those in the county as well. By all of these she was held in the highest esteem for amiable ways, always having a smile and cheery word for everyone.
             Ina social way Mrs. Blackburn also was a most capable and entertaining hostess, besides adding to her full ability in church work. Her sudden death, consequently, came as a severe shock to the entire community.
  5. Josephine Carter, b: October 15, 1881, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: October 2, 1961, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. Josephine Carter Herring was my grandmother. Click on her name for more information about this family.
    • Married June 24, 1909, Callaway Co. Missouri, Dolor Washington Herring, b: December 19, 1871, Callaway Co. Missouri, d: January 6, 1937, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. He is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. Dolor was a son of George Washington Herring Jr. and Josima McNerva Allen. Dolor was my grandfather.

We believe John R. Carter's business was located directly across the street from the court house on the west side, on Court street in downtown Fulton. His home was located at 405 E. 10th Street, Fulton, Missouri. This property later became the old Fulton High School. It was a very large property with a creek behind and fields. Click Here for a picture of the Carter house.

John Robert Carter died August 22, 1910, in St. Louis, Missouri. A copy of his probate packet is here. He is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri.

Obit - Fulton Telegraph, Auxvasse Review (Callaway Co.)
John R. Carter 5 Nov 1844 22 Aug 1910 26 Aug 1910
     John Robert Carter, aged 67 years, died at the home of his sister Mrs. Ella Grogan, in St. Louis Monday morning, August 22, 1910 at 10 o'clock. A few weeks since Mr. Carter went to St. Louis to consult a specialist concerning his physical condition which had not been good for several months. At first favorable reports were received concerning his condition, but he had a sudden change Sunday when the family here were notified of the fact. Early Monday morning E. Carter and his sister Miss Dollie, left here in an automobile to make connection at Mexico with the Wabash train, but arrived in St. Louis after the death of their father.
     The deceased was born and reared near Fulton, but for forty years he has been a resident of this city and was well known to all our readers. Besides a widow, he leaves one son, T.Ed Carter and three daughters, Mrs. Ernest Blackburn, Mrs. D.W. Herring, and Miss Dollie Carter, who have the sympathy of their friends in this sad dispensation. He also has 4 sisters, with the immediate family, to mourn his death.
     The funeral services over the remains of Mr. Carter were held at the new cemetery Wednesday afternoon, conducted by the Odd Fellows and Rev. T.W. Alton.

Obit - Fulton Weekly Gazette Aug 28, 1908, front page story:
John R. Carter Dead
     John R. Carter, for many years a well-known citizen of Fulton, died Monday morning at 10:00 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ellen Grogan, in St. Louis, where he had been for five weeks receiving treatment from a specialist for liver trouble. His body was brought to Fulton Wednesday afternoon and interred in the new cemetery. A short religious service was conducted at the grave by Rev. T. W. Alton, pastor of the Methodist church, and the burial service was conducted by the Odd Fellows.
     Mr. Carter had been in ill health several months, and when he went to St. Louis he expressed doubt whether the trip would be beneficial. The first two weeks that he was there seemed to mark improvement in his condition, but afterward his decline was gradual.
     Mr. Carter was born on a farm near Fulton on November 5, 1844. He grew to manhood in the country and married Miss Margaret Fletcher in 1869. Until a few years ago he was engaged in business in Fulton for many years and amassed a comfortable fortune.
      He is survived by his wife, one son and three daughters. The children are T. Ed Carter, a groceryman of this city: Miss Dorothy Carter, Mrs. E.L. Blackburn and Mrs. D.W. Herring, all of Fulton. He also leaves four sisters namely: Mrs. Ellen Grogan of St. Louis: Mrs. Nannie Todd, of Hallsville: Mrs. Mary Calvert, of Hallsville: and Miss Bettie Carter, of Fulton.
     Mr. Carter had a large circle of acquaintances and was well liked by those who knew him. He had many excellent qualities and will be greatly missed.

In the 1920 census, Margaret Ann Carter is living at the 10th Street house, house is owned, no mortgage. Margaret is 74, head of house. Living with her is daughter Dorthy age 46, single, not employed. Daughter Bess Blackburn, owns a millinary shop, and Bess's husband E. L. Blackburn, traveling salesman. Also living in this home is Martha Elizabeth Carter, sister in law, single age 71. This is John R. Carter's sister.

At some time after 1922, Margaret Ann moved to the Court street house. In 1922, her granddaughter Josephine Herring was hit and killed by a car in front of the 10th street house, so we know she still lived there at that time. But by 1930 she was living in the Court street house.

Margaret Ann Fletcher Carter died December 30, 1939 in Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri. She is buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Fulton, Callaway Co. Missouri.

Obit - The Missouri Telegraph, Thursday January 4, 1946.
Mrs. John R. Carter Died on Saturday
Fulton Resident Was 94 Years Old
Funeral Sunday at 3:00
     The Homegoing of Mrs. John Robert Carter at 4:40 o'clock Saturday morning marks the passing of one of the oldest Women in Fulton and Callaway County. Mrs. Carter became ill on December 5, the day after her 94th birthday.
     Funeral services were conducted from the home at 907 Court Street at 3:00 o'clock Sunday Afternoon by the Rev. W. Leslie Myers, paster of the Court Street Methodist Church, and burial was in the Hillcrest cemetery at Fulton.
     Margaret Ann Fletcher Carter was a daughter of John and Judith Simcoe Fletcher. She was born on a farm a few miles west of Fulton on December 4, 1845, and spent her early life there.
     She was married January 30, 1868 to John Robert Carter, since which Mrs. Carter had been a resident of Fulton. Mr. Carter passed away August 20, 1910.
     Five children were born of this union, of which three survive. They are; Thomas Edward Carter, New Bloomfield, Mrs. D.W. Herring, and Miss Dorothy Carter of Fulton. The two who preceeded their mother in death were Mrs. Nova Carter Rogers, and Mrs. Bess Carter Blackburn.
     Of a family of 11 children, Mrs. Carter was next to the last. The only survivor of this family circle is Mrs. Lucy Sitton of Tebbetts and Fulton.
     Mrs. Carter united with the methodist Church more than 60 years ago and was a faithful attendant at church and Sunday school until five years ago when her health began to fail.
     Mrs. Carter was of a quiet and retiring nature, but her ever smiling face made up for any lack of words. Deeper than any words ran a character that was always wholesome, loyal, and faithful. She was a good wife and mother. Her home was her haven and her children her riches. Surely the wise man described her when he wrote, "She looketh well to the ways of her household - her children rise up and call her blessed." She passed on in her quiet characteristic way, but there shall ever remain a sweet and hallowed memory to her loved ones and friends. "So when life's sweet journey ends, soul and body part like friends. No quarrels, no murmurs, no delays. a kiss, a sigh, and then away.

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